family health medical centre

Screening Tests for Family from Health Medical Center – Why It’s Important

Prevention is the most important thing when it comes for health care. Every family person wants a healthy family so that they have to face less stress. and for that it is important to undergo health screening tests from family health medical center on right time. Often it is noticed that even after taking appointments, people don’t turn up to the health care center. Surely they are ignorant about the importance of the screening tests.

This article is on the significance of the health screening and why you must not miss the appointments.

Let understand the Screening Tests importance

A screening test is one that is performed before you exhibit any signs of an illness. It is done to discover potential diseases or to determine whether you are at risk of a specific disease.

The doctor or medical expert may propose screening for one or more of the following health issues based on biological characteristics such as sex, age, and health history:

      • Blood pressure fluctuations

      • Blood cholesterol-related conditions

      • Diabetes risk factors

      • Osteoporosis and other bone and joint diseases

      • Obesity is an example of a body mass condition.

      • Anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues

      • Cancers of many sorts



    For whom is it applicable?

    Basically, for everyone. But the significance of a screening test for your health increases when:

        • You have a family history of certain medical problems.

        • You reach a particular age.

        • Your way of living raises your health risks.

        • You have a medical history that enhances your chances of contracting certain diseases.

      You can visit Complete Family Wellness to get all the screening tests done under the expert’s supervision.

      Recommended Health Screening By Physicians

      High blood pressure

      A blood pressure screening is required since it normally does not cause any noticeable symptoms and can only be detected by monitoring it. Undiagnosed high blood pressure raises the risk of stroke and heart disease.

      Cholesterol levels in the blood

      Screening for cholesterol should begin at the age of forty-five for women and thirty-five for males. Individuals with high cholesterol levels are at a higher risk of developing heart disease.


      Body Mass Index, or BMI, must be checked and maintained if your health is to be maintained. BMI screening is crucial since being overweight may lead to a variety of health problems such as heart disease and lifestyle disorders.


      Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases in the world today. It can be caused by a mix of environmental and genetic causes. When cancer is identified early, the chances of healing and remission increase.

      Kidney Disorders

      Individuals with diseases such as hypertension or diabetes, as well as those with a family history of kidney disease, have a high risk medical profile for renal disease.

      At the end,

      One of the primary advantages of screening tests is their ability to detect certain disorders at an early stage. When an illness is recognized early, therapy can begin as well. Early screening helps you to live a stress-free, healthy life in which you may fully follow your aspirations.

      Complete Family Wellness