Winter Preparation: How to Prepare Your Body and Home for the Coming Months

Winter is almost approaching, and we want to make sure you have everything you need to be safe and healthy during the chilly months. We’ve compiled a list of suggestions and resources to help you prepare Your Body for winter and enjoy the holidays without stress.

Getting Your Body Ready for Winter

With winter on the way, now is the time to lay a solid foundation before the cold sets in:

  • Take vitamins such as vitamin D and vitamin C, or a multivitamin, to help your body perform its essential activities.
  • Find an indoor fitness activity that you enjoy to keep you moving during the winter.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly to avoid getting sick and spreading germs.
  • Use a lotion that is appropriate for your skin type to care for it.
  • To help prevent a major illness, get a flu shot (which the Family Health Clinic provides).
  • Make an appointment with your primary care physician to see whether you have any serious health changes and to develop a strategy for what to do if you become unwell during the winter months.

How to Get Your House Ready for Winter

You’ll spend more time inside when winter comes. Follow these tips for winterizing your home to make sure it will be warm, safe, and use energy efficiently.

  • Make sure your home is well insulated, especially the water lines that run along the outside walls, so that they don’t freeze and cause damage.
    • You should also make sure your ducts, which are usually hidden in the attic or basement, are sealed and insulated properly. If they aren’t, you could lose 20% of the air that moves through them.
  • Keep your furnace clean and in good shape.
    • When sediment builds up, it can make your system less effective and even pose a fire risk.
    • During the winter, change your filters often to save energy and improve airflow.
    • If you don’t know what to look for, you can also hire a professional to check it out for you.
  • Clean out all of the gutters so that water doesn’t build up and freeze in them.
  • Make sure that all of your detectors work.
    • Check your smoke alarm or get one if you don’t have one.
    • Install a carbon monoxide detector that will sound an alarm if the gas is in the room.
  • Make sure you have things on hand in case of a snowstorm or blizzard.
    • Put in water and foods that don’t need to be cooked or kept cold.

During the winter, if you are worried about being able to pay for your heating or energy, call 2-1-1 to find out about local services that can help.

We’re here to help at the family medical care center.

Complete Family Wellness